We were thrilled to meet and network with amazing CS educators at the Seasons of CS Statewide Community of Practice (CoP) Virtual Event on December 12th. We hope that everyone that was there is or soon will be a CSTA GLA member. We look forward to seeing everyone at our chapter meetings and again in April at the next Seasons of CS Statewide CoP event.
Seasons of CS Statewide Community of Practice (CoP)
2024-12-13 08:00:00Z |
We loved having Colleen Lewis share about Varied Pedagogical Goals For Using Physical Objects In CS Teaching at our November 2024 CSTA GLA Chapter Meeting.
Pedagogical Goals For Using Physical Objects In CS Teaching
2024-11-30 08:00:00Z |
We were excited to welcome Steve Isaacs from Epic Games and Bill Marsland from Code Ninjas to our October 2024 CSTA GLA Chapter Meeting to talk to us about using game development to teach coding.
Using Game Development To Teach Coding
2024-10-25 07:00:00Z |
Each year our members are surveyed about the types of professional development activities you would most want to attend. Last year 65% of our members who answered the survey said that learning about new tools was their highest priority. So, we started out the 2024-25 school year with the topic of Online Tools For CS Classes.
Online Tools For CS Classes
2024-09-23 07:00:00Z |
We were excited to welcome "The DJ Coach", DJ Hapa to our March 2024 CSTA GLA Chapter Meeting. Check out the recording to see how many ties there are between music and computer science!
Elevate Your Teaching Game with DJ Hapa!
2024-03-15 07:00:00Z |
CSTA GLA hosted Valeri Tomici, Senior Manager from Girls Who Code, for our February 2024 Chapter Meeting where we learned about the work of Girls Who Code and how you can easily set up a Girls Who Code club at your school, library, or community center for free!
Start a 'Girls Who Code' Club At Your School!
2024-02-12 08:00:00Z |
CSTA GLA hosted a presentation from CYBER.ORG about bringing cybersecurity into the classroom. Our speakers shared information about federally grant-funded resources, cybersecurity curricula, resources, and even a cyber range that we can use for free with our students. We also got a hands-on experience with a Credential Harvesting Lab that uses the CYBER.ORG Range.
Empowering Educators with Cybersecurity Excellence
2024-01-11 08:00:00Z |
In this session we dove into ways we can teach about the impacts of computing through the lens of artificial intelligence (AI). We were joined by Daniel Ritchie, the chair of AIforCA, who shared activities we can use in our K-12 computer science classes to meet impacts of computing standards and teach about AI.
Using AI as a Lens for Teaching Impacts of Computing
2023-11-09 08:00:00Z |
Computer Science requires: - Strong social emotional and ethical skills
- Designing for greater social good
- Understanding of data privacy
Sue Thotz, Director of Education Outreach at Common Sense Media, joined us for our October 2023 Chapter Meeting to share innovative approaches to teaching these in a meaningful way.
Digital Citizenship as a Foundation for Computer Science Creators
2023-10-02 07:00:00Z |
John Dewey said "We do not learn from experience ... we learn from reflecting on experience." The September CSTA GLA meeting, led by Vicky Sedgwick, one of the original members of the CSTA writing team for the CSTA Standards for Computer Science Teachers, shared the CSTA Standards for CS Teachers, explained their purpose, and guided us in using the Standards to reflect on our teaching experience. The take-away: Improve your self-efficacy in teaching computer science by identifying your strengths and the skills you want improve this year.
Standards For CS Teachers
2023-09-11 07:00:00Z |
Everyone, As you may know, CSTA is hosting its yearly Summer Conference, this year it's online with an in person activity on the afternoon of Wednesday, July 12th. Each chapter is hosting an activity and yours, CSTA GLA is going to meet at the beach at 5:30pm. We'll meet at Colorado and Ocean Ave in Santa Monica. We'll head to the end of the pier for snacks and the vista and then down the stairs to the sand to walk along the surf. - Worried about traffic? The Expo Blue Line ends at 2nd and Colorado, walk a block west to find us.
- Want to drive and park? Park in either Parking Structure 8 and walk west on Colorado or park in the Civic Center Parking Structure and walk through Tongva Park.
- If you want to ride any of the rides, like the ferris wheel for a more expansive vista, we can do that too.
We want you, Yes You!, to join us. Register for the conference. Choose GLA's activity. Meet us at the Santa Monica Pier at 5:30pm. (Yes, of course, bring family too! Tell them they can ride the rides or take their on their own beach walk while we walk and talk Computer Science.)
CSTA Conference Wednesday In-Person Part
2023-05-31 07:00:00Z |
Join us on Zoom on April 19th. Learn valuable tips that best prepare your students for the AP exam on CS Principles. Computer Science and Game Design teacher, Jennifer Stone (LAUSD STEM Academy of Hollywood), is also a former software engineer, a longtime facilitator for Code.org, and a master teacher. Her workshop for teachers on how to prepare students for the AP exam in CS Principles is an annual favorite.
Help Students do well on The APCSP Exam!
2023-04-13 07:00:00Z |
We had an engaging discussion with Patty Ni, Devin Murphy, and Cheyenne Gaima. Listen to how they have blazed a trail as leaders in their respective fields. Learn about their leadership journeys and styles, the career hurdles they’ve faced on their road to success and how they are shaping the workplace for future generations. Link to recording.
Women in Tech Panel
2023-03-08 08:00:00Z |
We joined SoCal SoBay to hear Joyce Pereira and Destiny Langford share their successes and resources for Student Paced Learning and Mastery Based Grading. The system for differentiation and meeting students needs was developed by Modern Classrooms Project. Watch the recording and take a look at their resources.
Student Paced Learning and Mastery Based Grading
2023-02-16 08:00:00Z |
Join other CS teachers throughout Greater Los Angeles on Saturday, January 21, from 10 - 11:30 am in downtown L.A. at the Fig at 7th center food court, downstairs. We're celebrating the one-year anniversary of our CSTA Chapter being revitalized with a face-to-face meeting, gift bags, and great ideas. Fig at 7th is across the street from Metro Red Line and offers free validated parking - get map and details here.
In-Person Get-Together Jan 21
2023-01-10 08:00:00Z |
We had an informal get together with Google Software Engineer Beka Westberg. It was an informative and inspiring conversation in which she introduced us to Google's CS First platform and curriculum and shared her path to joining a Google engineering team. We learned what it feels like to be a software engineer at Google right now. What the Zoom Recording and share her industry insights with your students.
Conversation with a Google Engineer
2022-12-08 08:00:00Z |
Please join Dr. Abigail Joseph and Vanessa Jones for a free CSTA Engage Meetup on Thursday, November 10, 2022, from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. CT (3:30 - 5 pm PST) to connect with and learn alongside other K-12 CS teachers. We’ll host a jam-packed hour and a half, worth every minute of your midweek evening. - Welcome & Overview 5:30 - 5:40 p.m. CT
- Networking 5:40 - 5:50 p.m. CT
- Resources Showcase 5:50 - 6:15 p.m. CT
- Unconference/BoF 6:15 - 6:50 p.m. CT
- Share Out & Closing 6:50 - 7:00 p.m.
*schedule subject to change
Overview of CS Ed Week Resources 2022
GLA Board
2022-11-04 07:00:00Z |
Schools have the opportunity for a grant of $10,000 to expand access to Computer Science at their school. To qualify for this grant to build CS capacity, register a school-wide Hour of Code event and agree to add a new class in CS (CS Principles, CS Discovery, or CSA) in the coming academic year, with a no-cost scholarship for a teacher from the school to Code.org's Professional Learning Training. Applications due 11/21/22.
$ to expand CS at your school
GLA Board
2022-11-04 07:00:00Z |
We welcome Prof. Colleen Lewis sharing her inquiry-based strategies for teaching conditionals. Demonstrations using Scratch. All grade bands welcome. Come back, bring a friend!
October Members Zoom Meeting 10/13, 5 - 6 pm,
2022-09-12 07:00:00Z |
LACOE-USC CS Speakers Series for Teachers
2022-09-12 07:00:00Z |
Weekly CS Reading Group Tues or Fridays
Katie Mills
2022-09-12 07:00:00Z |
Many of us have come to realize the problems of equity in CS education thanks to the landmark book, Stuck in the Shallow End by UCLA's Jane Margolis. Now Professor Margolis and her longtime collaborator, Jean J. Ryoo, have teamed up to create Power On! with illustrations by Charis JB. The book has a comprehensive, free educator resource that CSTA GLA member Mike Karlin of California State University Dominguez Hills calls a wonderful resource for supporting equity."
Power On: New Graphic Novel on CS, Teaching Resources
2022-08-22 07:00:00Z |
CSTA has many resources on CS Equity - we recommend: CS for CA's Equity Guide - free download provides informs education leaders about how to bring equitable CS into their schools in a guide developed by administrators across the state of California. An alumna from USC Viterbi School of Engineering's K-12 STEM Center created this video on CS Equity. Students with no or poor internet reception at home? $30 off https://www.lacoe.edu/Technology/Delete-the-Digital-Divide Flyer in Spanish here
Equity Resources
2022-08-18 07:00:00Z |
Thursday, August 25 from 5 - 6 pm, you're invited to CSTA's Greater Los Angeles Zoom meeting. Start the academic year off with this supportive community of CS teachers, providers, education experts, and program administrators. Even if you're new to CS, join us to find great ideas, camaraderie and resources. On Thursday, August 25th, we kick off the academic year with an overview of resources on equity in CS, including an overview from LACOE's Science Coordinator Anthony Quan on his upcoming Equity Series (starts 8/31 - see this link for more information or register here), an update from CSTA GLA's Equity Fellow Elizabeth Naameh (see her recent articles here) and some resources shared by GLA Board Members on CS Equity.
8/25 @ 5 pm Zoom: Network This New Academic Year
2022-08-18 07:00:00Z |
Posted by debbie weissmann
The Bay Area Computer Science Council shared their tips and tricks for Creating Inclusive Hackathons for the SoCalSoBay, GLA, and IE chapters.
March Meeting - Inclusive Hackathons
debbie weissmann
2022-03-15 07:00:00Z |
The Greater Los Angeles Chapter of CSTA serves the teachers and providers of quality, equitable CS opportunities for all students. We need one more member to serve on our board, and we're also inviting members to form subcommittees on topics important to them, such as K-8 CS, Artificial Intelligence, and more.
Want to join the Greater LA CSTA Board?
Katie Mills
2022-02-21 08:00:00Z |
Our topic for the GLA February Chapter meeting was Building Community. We got to know each other. We shared our latest favorite apps. We shared a spotlight on stand-out Black computer scientists. We talked about what you have let us know are your interests. We presented a 'Nifty Opportunity' the TEALS program a teacher's support program free from Microsoft Philanthropy. And we let you know we're hoping you'll join our board or step into one of the committees we are putting together. If you missed this meeting, be sure to join us at the next one, in Zoom, on March 10th.
February Meeting - Building Community
debbie weissmann
2022-02-11 08:00:00Z |
Every Tuesday from 5 - 6 pm, California CS Commissioner Dr. Emily Thomforde leads a handful of educators in reading interesting and thought-provoking articles (many of them peer-reviewed, scholarly articles) on the pedagogy and practice of teaching CS. Everyone is welcome - no problem if you haven't read the article and just want to hear the discussion, feel free to come late or eat root beer floats during the meeting or walk on the treadmill. Find the schedule of readings here.
CS Ed Reading Group
2022-01-29 08:00:00Z |
Posted by debbie weissmann
Emily Thomforde shared The World's Shortest Hackathon! Emily provided a a hackathon experience with all the challenges, emotions, and hands-on learning of a real hackathon in just an hour. We were given all of the resources to replicate the experience for our students using code.org's AppLab.
January Meeting - TWSH
debbie weissmann
2022-01-12 08:00:00Z |
CSTA in the Greater Los Angeles area is back! Our supportive group meets the 2nd Wednesday/month - Join us February 9, 5 - 6 pm
Welcome Back!
2021-11-19 08:00:00Z |